Våra recept

Här publicerar vi recept från våra historiska menyer

Välkommen till AVEQIAs receptbank!

Vi uppdaterar den här receptbanken kontinuerligt ur vår stora receptskatt. Efter drygt 20 år har vi en hel del på lager, så kom gärna tillbaka ofta!

Här hittar du rätter som funkar som förrätt, varmrätt eller efterrätt – men du väljer ju givetvis själv om du vill skapa en hel meny av ett antal rätter, eller om du bara vill bryta ut ett recept och servera det helt fristående.

Notera att recepten är skapade som en del av våra klassiska 4-rätters avsmakningsmenyer och mängderna är beräknade att räcka till 8-10 personer. Serverar man rätterna fristående så är mängden i recepten oftast lagom till 4-6 personer. Men mängden portioner du får ut beror givetvis litet på hur mycket huvudråvara som ingår och hur generös du vill vara.

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Hittade 240 resultat

Mulberry mousse with sour cream sorbet, browned butter cake, salted toffee and almond meringue

This dessert contains an exciting but rare berry – the mulberry! We pick our mulberries in a garden in Nacka, so it may be the most locally grown and shortest transportation distance of produce we have ever had. Mulberries require a little special handling, bu…

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Herb-roasted venison with stuffed morels, glazed beets, lingonberry pearls and green pepper sauce

We promise you that this main course is not to be missed! A really tasty pan fried venison with chewy glazed beets, stuffed morels, popping lingonberry pearls and a super tasty green pepper sauce – an old classic that deserves a comeback! The recipe serves 10 …

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Grilled and plum glazed Lions’ Mane with potato flatbread, cheese emulsion and silver onions

Here comes a favorite again – our popular Nordic taco. In this one, however, we’ve tackled the exciting Lion’s Mane. Here you will learn how to handle this very “meaty” mushroom and pair it with lots of delicious accoutrements. The recipe is enough for 10 gues…

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Spiced cured rainbow trout with apple stuffed kohlrabi, potato balls, buttermilk foam and smoked egg yolk

The appetizer on this year’s Christmas menu is a little nod to Christmas with its spicy cured rainbow trout, but that’s where the similarities end. Our fish is paired with little apple-filled kohlrabi dumplings, delicate potato balls that we cook in white vine…

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Apple tart filled with caramelized apples, topped with toffee and Woodruff Ice cream

This autumn dessert is a nice composition of apples, caramel, almonds and toffee. Tart apples and smooth toffee are a really good combination as they balance each other perfectly. Together with the ice cream, this is a great ending to any autumn dinner. Enough…

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