Celeriac with winter truffle, brown butter and hazelnuts
Serves 10 as a starter
Baked celeriac
- 1 Large celeriac
- – Salt
Remove the root part of the celeriac. Rub the celeriac with oil and salt. Stick a thermometer into the center of the celeriac and bake at 180°C until a core temperature of 90°C (about 1 ½-depending on the size). Remove the peel with a knife and cut the celeriac into small irregular pieces (3-5 per person) Keep the remaining pieces and the peel for the purée and the broth.
Celeriac purée
- 300 g Butter
- – Remaining pieces of the celeriac
- – Salt
- – Water
Brown the butter. Add the pieces of celeriac and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain the celeriac and mix in a blender with some of the brown butter and a small amount of water. Keep the rest of the butter for the sauce. Season the purée with salt and pour it into a piping bag.
Celeriac broth
- – Peels from the celeriac
- 2 g Salt
- 0,4 l Water
Vacuum seal the celeriac with the water and the salt . Cook in a steam oven at 100°C for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and reduce it. (If you don’t have access to a steam oven you can let the broth simmer in a sauce pan instead.
Butter sauce with truffle
- 0,5 l Whey
- – Brown butter
- 1 tbsp Truffle juice
- 30 g Apple purée Granny Smith
Reduce the whey until 10% remains. Add the remaining butter from the celeriac and the truffle juice. Add apple purée, celeriac broth and salt to taste.
- 150 g White Shimeji mushroom
- 1 Granny Smith apple
- 50 g Hazelnuts from Piedmont
- 1 box Danish cress
- – Winter truffle
Marinate the mushrooms in some olive oil and flash them quickly with a blowtorch. Season with salt an split the mushrooms lengthwise. Just before serving, slice the apple thinly on a mandoline and cut out small circles (ø 2,5cm). Roast the hazelnuts and crush them with a knife. Cut the cress and grate the truffle over the plates.
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