Chocolate tartlet with toffee, molded chocolate mousse, liquorice lava and cherry sorbet
For dessert lovers, here’s a real blockbuster. A stylish and incredibly tasty dessert that will certainly satisfy the most discerning dinner guests. Here it is important to have equipment that allows you to assemble the chocolate tartlets correctly, so check the recipe carefully before you start! The recipe is calculated for 10 servings
- 230 g Flour
- 63 g Water
- 63 g Butter
- 20 g Egg yolk
- 8 g Salt
- 8 g Sugar
- 5 g Cocoa
Start by combining all the ingredients in a dough mixer and mix for about three minutes to achieve a smooth consistency. After mixing, transfer the dough to a work surface and knead into a smooth mass. Then store the dough in a vacuum bag and let it rest in the fridge for about 20 minutes to stabilize. Once the dough has rested, roll out the dough on a pasta machine to the desired thickness and form the tartlets into individual molds. Then bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 30 minutes, until the tartlets are golden brown and cooked through.
- 50 g Butter
- 90 g Sugar
- 1 Egg
- 60 g Milk
- 100 g Wheat flour
- 1 tsp Baking powder
- 1 pinch Salt
Beat the butter and sugar together until fluffy. Whisk the eggs (one at a time) into the batter. Mix in the milk and gently fold the flour, baking powder and salt into the batter to keep it airy. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place a silicone mat on top. Pour the batter evenly onto the baking sheet. Bake the cake in the oven at 180°C until it’s golden in color, which takes about 6-7 minutes. When the cake has cooled, use a round mold to punch out rounds to fit the tartlets. The remaining pieces of cake are dried in the oven at 100°C. When they are completely dry, blend them into a fine crumb in a blender. Lightly toast the crumbs.
Cherry sorbet
- 300 g Frozen cherries
- 50 g Lemon juice
- 100 g Sugar
- 170 g Cherry beer
- 40 g of Corn syrup
- 2,8 g Agar agar
Boil a mixture of water, beer, corn syrup, sugar and agar-agar. Once the mixture has come to the boil, add the juice from the lemons. Then pour the hot mixture over the cherries and blend until smooth. Transfer the sorbet liquid to a bowl and place in the freezer. Run in an ice cream machine, making the sorbet just before serving.
Chocolate mousse
- 125g Dark chocolate
- 1 tbsp Bourbon
- 100g Cream
- 2 Egg whites
- 1 tbsp Granulated sugar
- 100g Cream
Melt the chocolate with 100g cream and bourbon on low heat, stir until smooth and let cool. Beat the egg whites with sugar to stiff peaks. Whip the remaining cream lightly in a separate bowl. Lighten the chocolate mixture with half of the egg whites, then gently fold in the rest, followed by the cream mixture. Fill silicone molds with the mousse and freeze until firm (at least 1 hour). *This step can absolutely be done in advance!
Chocolate caramel
- 140 g Light syrup
- 100 g Sugar
- 100 g of Cream
- 3 g Salt
- 65 g Butter
- 35 g 66% Chocolate
Heat the syrup, sugar and cream to 125°C using a thermometer. Remove from heat, stir in butter and chocolate until completely melted and evenly mixed. Then use the mixture to fill the tartlets with toffee.
Liquorice lava
- 50 g Granulated sugar
- 10 g of Corn syrup
- 15 g Honey
- 4 g Black household paint
- 4 g Bicarbonate
- 5 g Liquorice granules
Start the process by bringing the sugar, corn syrup, honey and black food coloring to a boil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Heat the mixture until it reaches 165°C. Immediately add the liquorice granules and bicarbonate of soda and whisk vigorously until the batter begins to foam and bubble. Then pour the expanded batter onto a baking sheet covered with a silicone mat. Allow the batter to cool and set naturally. When fully set, break or cut into desired portions.
2 punnets Atsina cress
When assembling, start with the chocolate tartlet shells. Cut the pastry into rounds and place one round in each shell. Pour in the toffee (when hot) to fill the tartlet shell. Refrigerate so that the toffee settles.
Take out the tartlets, take out the chocolate mousse, removing the mousse from the silicone molds and turn them upside down on top of the tartlets (see picture). Leave the tartlets in room temperature for about 1 hour.
When we served these, we gave each guest 1/2 a tartlet (it’s quite a rich dessert) – so at this stage we split the tartlets in two (carefully!). Arrange the desserts on plates, sprinkle some toasted cookie crumbs on the side, garnish the chocolate mousse with pieces of liquorice lava and finish with a sorbet egg on top. Yum!
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