
Farm milk with hazelnuts, white chocolate, apple cider and horseradish

Serves 10

Milk ice cream

  • 400 g             Milk Arla®
  • 100 g             Cream Arla®
  • 100 g             Sugar
  • 4.4 g              Agar Agar
  • 80 g               Egg yolk
  • 20 g               Sugar

Bring the milk to a boil with the large amount of sugar and Agar Agar. Whisk the egg yolk with the smaller amount of sugar. Pour the milk over the egg mixture whilst whisking to keep the egg from coagulating. Pour everything back into the pot and heat. Stir until the mixture reaches 85°C. Strain the cream and run in an ice cream machine.


Roasted hazelnuts and hazelnut oil

  • 150 ml           Roasted hazelnuts from Piedmont
  • 150 ml           Swedish cold-pressed rapeseed oil

Roast the nuts for 7 minutes at 170°C. Grate half of the nuts finely. Mix the other half in a blender with the oil. Heat the oil and strain it through a coffee filter. Set aside until serving.


White chocolate snow

  • 30 g               White chocolate
  • 100 ml           Maltodextrin

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a bain-marie. Remove the chocolate from the heat and add the maltodextrin while whisking gently.


Apple syrup

  • 10                  Swedish apples

Cut the apples into small pieces and press the through a juicer. Cook to reduce the juice until 10-15% remains. Leave to cool until serving.


Apple cider meringue

  • 80 g               Caster sugar
  • 8 g                 Albumin
  • 60 g               Apple juice
  • 20 g               Apple cider vinegar
  • 80 g               Icing sugar

Combine the albumin with the sugar. Add the liquids and whisk to obtain a firm meringue, adding the icing sugar at the end. Spread the meringue onto silicone sheets using the back of a spatula. Dry in an oven at 90°C until crispy (45-60 min).


Horseradish milk

  • 30 g               Horseradish
  • 300 ml           Swedish farm milk

Cut the horseradish into small pieces. Blitz the pieces with the milk in a blender and leave to infuse for 10 min. Strain the milk and keep cold until serving.


Oxalis (Purple Wood Sorrel)

  • 10 sprigs        Oxalis / Wood Sorrel

Pluck the leaves of the Oxalis / Wood Sorrel and keep in the fridge under wet paper until serving.