
Smoked char with creamy potato foam, rye bread crisp and bleak roe from Kalix

Serves 10 as a starter or 4 as a main


Smoked arctic char

  • 800 g                  Fillets of arctic char

Place the char with the skin up on a greased oven tray. Cover with cling film and smoke the fish with a smoking gun (or leave it unsmoked if you don’t have access to a smoker). Bake the fish in an oven at 90°C. The fish is done when the skin can be easily removed.


Potato foam

  • 300 g              Almond potatoes
  • 100 g              Butter Arla®
  • 200 ml            Milk Arla®
  • 200 ml            Cream Arla®
  • 100 g              Sour cream Arla®

Peel the potatoes. Roast the peels in an oven at 200°C for 30 min. Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water and press them throygh a sieve. Boil the roasted peels in the milk and cream for 15 minutes. Strain the milk mixture and mix with the potatoes, butter and sour cream to a soup like consistency. Season with salt and fill in a siphon. Load with 3 gas cartridges. Keep warm until serving.


Rye bread crisp

  • 50 ml             Sour cream Arla®
  • 2 tbsp             Dark syrup
  • 1 pinch           Baking soda
  • 50 ml             Wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp            Rye flour

Mix the wet ingredients in one bowl and the dry ingredients in another bowl. Combine the two and mix well. Spread the batter onto a silicone sheet and place another one on top for extra weight. Bake for 20 mins in an oven at 150°C. Remove the top silicone sheet and bake another 5 mins. Allow to cool and break into pieces.


  • 10                  Pickling onions
  • ½ dl                Pickling liquid
  • 2                    Shallot onions
  • 2 sbsp            Corn starch

Split the pickling onions lengthwise and steam for 30 seconds. Peel them and place them in the liquid.

Peel the shallots and slice them thinly on a mandolin. Divide the slices into rings, toss in corn starch and deep fry until crispy.


  • 75 g               Butter Arla®
  • 15                  Small potatoes
  • 50 g               Bleak roe from Kalix
  • 1 box              Borage
  • 5 sprigs          Chervil
  • 2 sprigs          Dill

Brown the butter and allow it to cool. Boil the potatoes just before serving and salt it lightly. Pluck the herbs and place them in cold water.