
Venison with butternut squash, stuffed onions and black cabbage

Serves 8 as part of a menu or serves 4 as a free standing dish


  • 800 g              Topside of venison
  • 100 g              Butter Arla®
  • 3 sprigs          Thyme
  • 1 clove            Garlic
  • 2 tbsp             Cubeb pepper

Trim the venison and keep the trimmings for the sauce. Season the meat with Cubeb pepper and salt, and fry it in a hot pan. Baste with butter, thyme and garlic. Bake the meat in the oven at 110°C to a core temperature of 48°C. 

Venison sausage

  • 200 g              Venison (mince)
  • 80 g                Lardo
  • 12g                 Green peppar (coarlsy ground)
  • 2                    Shallot onion
  • 7 Sprigs          Thyme (Leaves)
  • 50 ml              Cognac
  • 5 g                 Salt
  • 1,5 m              Casing

Chop the shallots finely and fry in oil with the green pepper and thyme leaves. Deglaze with Cognac. Chop the lardo finely. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and stuff the mixture into the casing as shown. Cook for 10 min in a steam oven at 85°C and fry the sausages in butter before serving

Butternut purée

  • 400 g              Butternut squash
  • 100 g              Butter Arla®
  • 100 ml            Milk Arla®

Peel the butternut squash and cut it into pieces. Fry it in butter until it is soft and mix it smooth with the milk in a blender. Season with salt.

Sauce vierge

  •                       Venison trimmings
  • 2                    Shallots
  • 1                    Tomato
  • 300 g              Venison stock
  • 150 g              White wine
  • 5 sprigs          Tarragon
  • 2 tbsp             Mustard seed
  • 50 g                Pickling liquid

Fry the trimmings in oil. Peel and chop the onions. Quarter the tomato and fry it with the trimmings. Add the tarragon and the wine. Cook for 2 minutes, add the stock and let the sauce reduce slowly. Boil the mustard seeds 3 min in water. Before serving, strain the sauce, add the mustard seed and salt to taste.

Stuffed white onions

  • 4                    White onion
  • 50 g                Pumpkin seed
  • 20 g                Chervil
  • 20 g                Chervil oil

Bake the onions 30 min at 165°C. Peel them and cut them in halves to make little cups. Toast the pumpkin seed in a pan, add salt and chop them roughly. Pluck the chervil. Before serving, portion the seeds and the chervil in the onion cups, top them with the mayonnaise. Finish with chervil oil.

Siphon mayonnaise

  • 3                     Eggs
  • 1 tbps             LissElla’s mustard
  • 1 tbsp             Champagne vinegar
  • 300 ml            Vegetable oil

Combine all ingredients except the oil in a blender, add the oil slowly while mixing and add salt to taste. Pour the mixture into a siphon and keep at 65°C until serving.

Black cabbage

  • 150 g              Black cabbage
  • ½                   Lemon

Cut the cabbage and fry it in hot olive oil. Add lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.