
Pâte à choux with creamed chanterelles, lemon marmalade, parsley cream and crisp salad

This dish is simply called a chanterelle bun. The bun itself is made with Pâte à Choux, so it is luxuriously fluffy and light. We then fill it with a lovely green parsley cream and crispy chanterelles. This recipe serves 10 people, based on one roll each.

Pâte à choux

  • 125 g Water
  • 125 g Milk
  • 125 g butter
  • 7,5 g Salt
  • 7.5 g sugar
  • 140 g Plain flour
  • 200 g Eggs

Bring the water, milk, butter, sugar and salt to a boil in a large saucepan. Add the flour and mix with a wooden spoon for about 2 minutes over medium heat until the dough becomes glossy. Transfer the dough to a dough mixer and mix with the paddle attachment. Add the eggs one at a time and mix until the batter is smooth. Pour the batter into a piping bag and pipe the batter onto a marked silicone mat according to the instructions. The batter rounds should be about 6 cm in size.

Shortcrust pastry

  • 100 g Plain flour
  • 100 g Sugar
  • 120 g butter
  • 2 g Black food colouring
  • 30 g mushroom powder
  • 5 g Salt

Mix all the ingredients in a dough mixer using the wing attachment until well blended and homogeneous. Roll out the dough between two silicone mats and freeze it. Punch out rounds of shortbread dough and place a slice on each pâte à choux round. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes. NOTE! It is important NOT to open the oven door before 35 minutes have passed.

Parsley cream

  • 40 g olive oil
  • 1 Clove of garlic
  • 3 small shallots
  • 75 g Curly parsley
  • 25 g spinach
  • 90 g Water

Peel and slice the onion and garlic. Cut the parsley roughly. Sweat the onion and garlic in the oil until soft. Add the herbs and sweat until they have reduced in volume. Place everything on a tray and freeze in a blast chiller so that it cools down quickly. Break the frozen mass into a Vitamix jug with the water and blend to a smooth cream. Season with salt.

Lemon marmalade

  • 1/2 lemon
  • 50 g Water
  • 100 g Sugar
  • 20 g Honey
  • 1/2 salted lemon

Thinly slice the raw lemon on a mandolin, then roughly chop the slices. Bring the sugar, water and honey to the boil in a saucepan. Add the roughly chopped lemon and cook until the mixture reaches a thick consistency. Cut the peel off the salted lemon and finely chop the zest. Squeeze the juice from the salted lemon. Once the marmalade has a thick consistency, add the finely chopped zest and the juice of the salted lemon. Blend the marmalade into a smooth puree using a hand blender or food processor.

Creamed chanterelles

  • 800 g Small chanterelles
  • 400 ml of Double cream
  • 2 Banana shallots
  • 4 Cloves of garlic
  • 25 g Butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Tabasco

Cook the cream in a saucepan, reducing it until ¼ remains. Trim the mushrooms and rinse if necessary to remove sand and soil. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry the mushrooms in a little oil until the liquid has evaporated and the mushrooms start to turn golden. Add the onion and garlic and fry until the onion is soft. Just before serving, heat the mushrooms in a frying pan, pour over the reduced cream and bring to the boil. Season with salt, pepper and Tabasco.

Pickled onions

  • 4-5 red onions
  • 100 ml pickling liquid (1-2-3 type)

Peel and slice the onion on the mandolin according to the instructions. Place the onion rings in a vacuum bag together with the pickles. Seal the bag in a vacuum machine and leave to infuse for about 15 minutes. Strain the onions and let them dry at room temperature.


  • 50g Havgus 12 (cheese)
  • 1 head of crisp salad
  • Mushrooms and yogurt powder
  • Garlic oil

Pick the crisphead lettuce into smaller leaves and put them in a container. Cover the lettuce with a damp piece of paper to keep the leaves fresh until they are to be used.